CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Review of TB Investment at the National and State Levels (2021 – 2023)

About Stop TB Partnership Nigeria:

Stop TB Partnership Nigeria (STPN) is a reputable not-for-profit organization advocating for policies and resources to end TB in Nigeria. The Partnership complements the efforts of the government and other stakeholders through highlevel advocacy for policies and domestic resource mobilization from government and private sector; support for improved multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral coordination and engagement; strengthening the capacity of civil society and affected communities; support for improved linkages and collaboration between TB and other social determinants of health and broader development issues; increased public awareness and knowledge about TB by working with media, entertainment industry and other stakeholders.

Assignment Description:

STPN invites expressions of interest from qualified Consultants or Consultancy Firms to conduct a review of the trend and performance of government’s commitment and investment in TB. Specifically, the review will inquire into the trend of budget and funding of these 3 diseases in Nigeria including the total funds budgeted and released, and the percentage allocation compared to the total budget for government investment in TB control programs at national and state levels from 2021 to 2023. The review is also expected to profile information about the states according to their investment in TB, challenges facing the states, and specific recommendations for advocacy purposes.

Scope of Work:

The selected consultant or consultancy firm is expected to carry out the specific tasks, which are not limited to the following, and are subject to amendment should initial engagement warrant:

  • Hold inception and regular debrief meetings with STPN’s Management Team on the conduct of this exercise.
  • Develop a concept note including scope of work, methodology for data collection, data gathering tools, work plan, and report outline.
  • Conduct desk review of available documents and interview relevant stakeholders at national and state levels.
  • Collate information on the trend of budget and funding at the national and state levels.
  • Analysis the data and report on the findings and outcomes § Develop a National and State Scorecard for the trend of budget and financing § Presentation of the report (including slides) during a 2-day Stakeholders’ Review and Validation Meeting.
  • Include and reference the source of each information in the report.


  • Approved inception meeting report and concepts note (including scope of work, methodology for data collection, data collection tools, work plan, and report outline).
  • National and State Scorecard for the trend of budget and financing for TB 2021 to 2023.
  • Final Report on the Review of TB Investment and Performance at National and State Levels from 2021 to 2023.
  • Report of the Stakeholders’ Review and Validation Meeting

Instructions for Submission of EoI: Interested consultants or consultancy firms are requested to submit their expressions of interest, including: § A detailed proposal outlining the methodology for the task. § Resume / Curriculum Vitae (CVs) of key personnel involved in the consultancy. § Examples of similar tasks successfully undertaken. § Evidence of Tax Identification Number (TIN) number. § Evidence of Registration for consulting firms. § Applications should be submitted to, using “EoI – Review of TB Investment” as the subject of the email.

Submission Deadline: Friday, 21st June 2024

Selection Criteria: Selection will be based on the consultant’s or consultancy firm’s experience, expertise, competitive fee, and the proposed methodology.

NOTE: STPN reserves the right to accept or reject any submission, annul the selection process, and reject all submissions at any time before contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected consultants or consultancy firms.


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