Her Excellency, the First Lady of Nigeria. Senator Oluremi Tinubu, was invested as a Global and National Stop TB Champion.
The event also featured the decorations of the Wives of State Governors as Stop TB Champions and the presentation of awards to outstanding organizations and individuals who have contributed to ending TB at national and global levels. The Global and National Stop TB Champion, Senator Oluremi Tinubu congratulated the wives of the state governors and added that the designation is not just a title but for them to amplify their voices to advocate and raise awareness about TB to end the stigma associated with it and towards eliminating TB in 2030 in their irrespective states.

In attendance were the wives of the former Presidents and Vice Presidents of Nigeria, Honourable Minister of State for Health and Social Welfare, wives of state governors, members of the House of Representatives Committee on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Executive Director of Global Stop TB Partnership Geneva; board, management and staff of Stop TB Partnership Nigeria and National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Programme , representatives of development partners including World Health Organization (WHO), United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) and the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM), civil society organizations and members of the fourth estate of the realm.